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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Interesting Post... 1/24/2010 through 1/31/2010

Pretty light week when it comes to Agile blogging, huh? Have we really said everything there is to say!? Maybe the conversation has moved elsewhere? Anyone know of new bloggers out there that I don't seem to be following? Maybe it is time for Jurgen to post another Top 200 list. Anyway.... if anyone knows where all the good conversation is going on, please clue me in ;-)

Here is another installment of Interesting Post...

Tackling LEAN change week 1

The Impact Of Social Networking On Project Management

How Not to Hurry

Do I Need User Stories?

Use the Agile Triangle Instead of the Balanced Scorecard

Shu Ha Ri as the flow of Energy

Why the CIO Loves Agile Development

Pillar Technology is Hiring

Don't aim for the target

Pope tells priests: Start blogging

PMI Agile Survey

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Explaining Agile

Doing what I do for a living, I find myself often trying to explain agile concepts to folks that are relatively new to agile methodologies. Sometimes this comes up when I am teaching a class, doing a conference talk, or breaking down some idea in a blog post. I thought I'd share my approach with you guys, and a little on how I think about this, and see if you guys have anything to add.

Agile is a Family of Methodologies

Okay... so you are going to 'adopt agile'. What exactly does that mean? Well... if you are going to change how you are delivering software, it helps to start with an understanding of the methodologies and approaches that you have at your disposal. I like to start off talking about these methodologies and how they relate to each other.
  • Extreme Programming
  • Scrum
  • Agile Unified Process
  • Adaptive Project Management
  • Feature Driven Development
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method
  • Crystal Clear
  • Lean
  • Kanban
Methodologies Share a Common Value System

What came first, the chicken or the egg? If you look at the history of Agile, the manifesto didn't come first. We had some folks in the community, folks that were already using lightweight methodologies, that came together to explore what these approaches had in common. After we have an anchor point with the various approaches, I like to talk about the principles and values that unite them. Seems consistent with how we actually evolved as a community.
  • Agile Manifesto
  • Declaration of Interdependence
  • Lean Values
Supporting the Modern Development Organization

Next I like to explore what these methodologies have in common from the standpoint of how we build software in today's modern product development organizations. Each of the methodologies express different aspects of the product development lifecycle. XP is heavier on engineering, Scrum heavier on project management and team dynamics. I like to explain the methodologies in terms of how they address stuff we are already familiar with.
  • Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Leadership
Practices that are Consistent with Values

Now is a good time to explain the practices that are associated with many of the common agile approaches. Doing these practices doesn't make you agile, but if you understand how they fit into and support the values and attitudes, they certainly do reinforce an agile mindset.
  • Iteration Planning
  • Daily Standup
  • Iteration Review
  • Retrospective
  • Pair Programming
  • Continuous Integration
  • Test Driven Development
  • Small Teams
  • Co-location
  • Collaboration
  • Information Radiators
Artifacts that Support Practices

Similar to the practices we just discussed, agile artifacts don't make you agile. These artifacts are proven to support agility and make collaboration and responding to change all that much easier.
  • Backlogs
  • Users Stories
  • Burn-down Charts
  • Cumulative Flow Diagrams
Agile Roles and Responsibilities

At the end of the day, it is the people in your organization that ultimately determine your success or failure with agile methods. It is important to tell them how adopting an agile methodology is going to impact what they do for a living. When I talk about roles and responsibilities, I often find myself talking about culture and the impact that agile adoption is going to have on yours.
  • Customer
  • ScrumMaster
  • Team
  • Business Stakeholders
  • Managers
Scaling Agile

All but the simplest organizations are going to have to deal with the scaling issue at some point in time. Even if you are going from one team to two, or two teams to four... understanding how scaling impacts your business is an important part of the adoption discussion.
  • Agile organizations are built around cross-functional teams
  • Structure and culture will trump people, process, and tools every time
Final Thoughts and a Bit on Chapter Two

This isn't an exhaustive list, just the things I seem to come back to the most. It's raining here in Atlanta, so today I am doing some writing. My kids are going to drag me off the couch in a few hours and make me take them to the indoor airsoft arena, so I need to get a few words in while I have the chance. Chapter two is going to explore some of these ideas in more detail, so I expect to share some more on this approach over the next few days. Stay tuned!

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Replacing the Iron Triangle of Project Management?

Last year sometime, I heard Jim Highsmith do a talk on replacing the traditional project management iron triangle with a new 'agile triangle' that is based not on time, cost, and scope... but instead, based on value, quality, and constraints (time, cost, and scope). This is a concept Jim introduced in the latest release of his book Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products. Something in the idea has been bugging me a little, so when I read Isreal Gat's post this morning, discussing ways to use Jim's agile triangle, it got me thinking.

The general idea behind the agile triangle is that we need to take the focus off of delivering to a set schedule, a fixed budget, and some predetermined set of deliverables; and focus more on the value the product is delivering. In principle I agree, but does it make sense to modify to triangle to deliver that message?

I've always looked at the iron triangle as a way to explain the relationship between time, cost, and scope. If you change one of the three variables, the physics of project management says that one of the others has to change too. If I want to add scope, time or cost has to go up as well. If I want to deliver in less time, I either need more budget or I need to reduce scope. If I want a less expensive product, I either need to reduce scope or reduce the time it takes to build it.

I'm curious if the agile triangle follows this same pattern. If I increase value, does quality have to go up or down? Do the constraints have to change? What about if I change quality? Does value go up? Do I have to change the constraints? What about the constraints? If I tweak the constraints, does that always impact value or quality? There are some guesses that we can make, but the agile triangle doesn't give us any guidance. The relationships between the variables are less precise, and therefore I think using the triangle metaphor is less powerful.

We all know of projects that have come in on-time and on-budget, with everything the customer wanted, and have been total failures in terms of market performance. I agree that we need to focus on value and quality as first class citizens in the project management discussion. To me though, quality and value are attributes of scope, and it just comes down to the definition of done. Do we have features in our backlog that are 'done' when they have poor quality? Are they 'done' if the customer does not accept their value? Value and quality are part of the acceptance criteria of scope.

I would probably flip what Jim did a bit and leave time, cost, and scope as the vertices of the triangle, but just like Jim broke the constraints into three attributes, I would break scope into three attributes... requirements, quality, and value. So, the question is... are value and quality project constraints or attributes of scope. I think you know where I stand ;-)

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pillar Technology is Hiring... Read This!

Pillar Technology is ramping up several large projects in Columbus, OH and Detroit, MI. We are in need of a bunch of people and have opportunities at many different experience levels.

We are looking to hire immediately and will entertain people who want to work 1099, W2 hourly, or become full time employees of Pillar Technology. Pillar's strength is the quality of our people and we are pretty selective about who we bring in. We are looking for people that are technically excellent, have great communication skills, and will fit in well to the Pillar culture.

To be considered for our technical positions, you need to be an experienced Java developer or technical tester and you MUST have experience with TDD. Other skills we are looking for are:

  • Jboss Portal
  • Portlet Specification
  • XML Jibx parser
  • Rest
  • Strong UI / JSP experience
  • Maven
  • Team City
  • EasyMock
The more of these you have the better.

We also have a few opportunities for team leads and delivery leads. These people must have a solid technical background and be familiar with all the stuff I just mentioned. That said, these roles are less hands-on. To be considered for one of these positions, you need to understand agile organizational structure, team dynamics, how to lead and motivate people. You must be an excellent problem solver and be able to talk a good agile game... and more importantly... deliver results!

I am looking to hire the best of the best in the Atlanta market and surrounding areas. If you happen to be in Columbus or Detroit, even better. Travel will always be a part of this gig, but we want to keep it to a minimum. Most of our work right now is in the Detroit and Columbus markets and we are building Atlanta. We try to hire locally, so that we can keep people close to home. We are a values driven company, and we know that being home is important. That said, if you live somewhere else, and don't mind the travel, we can talk.

If you are interested, please contact me at mcottmeyer [at] pillartechnology [dot] com. If you send me your resume, and I think you are a fit, you'll get a call from me this weekend. Thanks!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

productcamp ATLANTA 2010

ProductCamp is returning to Atlanta on February 6, 2010.

I wasn't able to attend the last one, but heard from numerous folks that DID go, the event was excellent. Last year's productcamp attracted somewhere around 250 people. This year's event has over 200 signed up with nearly two weeks left to register. I believe this is a must attend event if you have any inclination toward Agile, Product Management, or Marketing. Head on over to to learn more information and to register. It is free... it is on a Saturday... what more could you ask for!

BTW - Pillar Technology just signed up to be a Gold level sponsor. That means I'll be there for sure . If you are in town, please make sure you come and find me, I'd love to meet you face to face!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Value Driven... The Book's Layout

Here is the last little bit of Chapter 1. Here we explain how we've laid out the book, and a bit about why. I want you to understand the entire story first, so as you are reading, you not only have context from a persona perspective, but also context from a structure and story telling perspective. This is not a mystery novel... we don't want you to have to guess or experience any unexpected plot twists. Our goal is for you to know where you are every step of the way.

Understanding the Book’s Layout

The structure of Value Driven Agile Transformation is designed to incrementally introduce the key concepts necessary to lead a meaningful agile transformation. The book is broadly divided into halves, each half containing two sections:

The first part of the book is designed to help you clearly understand your goals so you can compare them against your current reality. Understanding the gap between where you are and where you need to be is often half the battle. We’ll spend time talking about what it means to lead a value driven enterprise agile and explore the challenges you’ll face along the way. We’ll talk about the dynamics that drive your current organization and how to begin thinking about how you will lead change.

The second half of the book will focus more on how to get where you want to go and how to overcome specific challenges in a pragmatic and systematic way. After going through this material, you should have a clear idea how to determine what your organization finds valuable and how you can begin road mapping your agile transition. Your plan is going to change as you implement and learn, but you’ll understand why and be able to articulate the impact of the changes.

We have included for your reference an appendix that explains the tools we use to implement this approach as well as several section helping the reader understand the relationship between agile and various capability based approaches to enterprise process improvement. These sections are included so you can assess the similarities and differences between an enterprise agile transformation and more traditional approaches to process improvement.

Section 1: Understanding the Goal

Chapter 1: Defining Agile

Many folks lead with an intuitive sense that agile is going to solve their problems. If we just get that agile going, everything is going to be okay. Over the years agile has become an extremely overloaded word. Some days agile is nearly synonymous with specific agile methodologies and some days so abstract as to be meaningless. This chapter will establish a solid foundation for understanding agile in its broadest and most abstract context. We’ll also dive down deep enough to understand the specific values, principles, and practices that really make it hum. We’ll explain many of the common methodologies and practices and how they fit into the bigger picture of enterprise agile software development.

Chapter 2: Defining Transformation

Now that we have a common understanding of what agile is, and how we might begin to apply some of these concepts into our organization, we want to get really specific about what we are really looking to change. Are we interested in helping one or two teams adopt agile practices or are we talking about a company-wide change initiative? Are we looking to adopt a few practices (like test driven development and iteration planning) or are we looking to influence how people think about the nature of their work? Are we trying to instill values or just change the way people behave? This chapter will help you answer these questions as well as explore the various aspects of change management you’ll need to understand before you get started.

Chapter 3: Defining Value

The only reason to even think about introducing this kind of change is to get some sort of return on your investment. That return doesn’t have to be hard dollars, but if that is what your organization is looking for, you better understand that and make sure you deliver. If you’ve ever tried to have a conversation about value, the idea is pretty misunderstood and very context sensitive. This section will help you explore the many ways that your organization might create value. We’ll talk about the difference between things that might have intrinsic value and things that have actual market value. There is often a big gap between valuable work and value that the business is willing to pay for. We’ll discuss another five phase model to help you understand how various stakeholders in larger organizations might perceive value.

Chapter 4: Establish the Change Vision

The change associated with a value driven agile transformation lies at the intersection of value, transformation, and methods and practices. Understanding how your organization delivers value is the first step in the transformation process. By focusing on the areas of the business that create the most value, you are most likely to create positive outcomes and a return on your investment. Next you have to understand the scope of what you are changing and finally what principles, values, or practices you want to introduce to implement the change. This chapter will explore the tools you need to define this intersection. We’ll discuss the importance of top down vision and bottom-up incremental adoption. We’ll lay out the conversation framework, the modeling tools, and the adoption and scaling approach defined later in the book.

Section 2: Understanding Our Current Reality

Chapter 5: Understanding the Traditional Organization

At this point, you should have a better idea of where you are headed, and how you might want to get started. Before you begin though, there are some things you need to understand about your current organization. Chances are, it was pretty successful long before you came along. It might not want to change and you need to know what you are up against. This chapter explores the traditional software development organization as it exists in many companies today. This chapter will focus on understanding how your current organization operates and how it got where it is today. We need to know how it has been successful thus far and why it might be harder to be successful in the future. We want to fully understand what we are changing before we go and try to change it.

Chapter 6: Understanding the Agile Organization

Chapter 1 established a solid framework for understanding what agile is. Now we are going to take a look at why and how agile works. We want to understand teams and why they are so important as the building blocks of the agile enterprise. We want to know how to really make them really hum. We’ll discuss different approaches for managing agile teams and approaches that encourage us NOT to manages agile teams. This chapter will explore the differences between black box management and white box management and the importance of establishing stable inputs so the team can establish predictable outputs. We’ll talk organizational constraints and how they influence team behavior. Basically, everything you need to know about how and agile team works.

Chapter 7: Why Larger Agile Transformations Fail?
(or don’t live up to the promise)

Many large-scale agile transformations either fail or don’t live up to the promise. Many companies might claim to be agile, and many may have even adopted some agile practices, but they are not getting the business outcomes that they expected. This IS NOT what we want to have happen here. This chapter will help us understand some of the common failure modes we might see in a more traditional organization as they make the switch to agile. We’ll explain why some of these same root-causes work against us and the new changes we are trying to put in place. We’ll explore issues around local optimization, command and control management, organizational structure and alignment, and traditional/agile hybrid environments.

Chapter 8: Selling Change Up the Organization

If you think transforming your team is hard work, try convincing senior leaders to let you try is even harder. Convincing them to let you transform the enterprise is even harder yet. This chapter will explore why leaders might be okay with agile at the team level but are resistant to advocating agile across the larger enterprise. If we want to lead an agile transformation, we need to learn why the messaging around agile doesn’t always resonate with our senior leadership. It goes back to how different stakeholders measure value but the conversation goes deeper. As agile proponents, we need to learn how to bridge the gap and help our leadership create a safe environment for introducing change. This chapter is about helping you understand and communicate your value proposition to your leadership team.

Section 3: Understanding What We Value

Chapter 9: Deciding What Your Organization Values

Now that we have a good idea of where we are going and why, and we are armed with knowledge about the challenges that stand before us, it is time to start thinking about how we want to move forward. This chapter will help us understand what your company values. Sometimes it is not just valuable software that your organization wants. We need to assess the cultural aspects of your organization. What kind of importance does your organization place on documentation, group decision-making, organizational politics, and governance? Are you operating in a regulated environment or not These are things we need to know about before we get started.

Chapter 10: Understanding How to Create Value

Believe it or not, not everyone is in business to sell software. Value isn’t always about getting features to market faster than our competition. If we are selling software, we need to understand our most important market opportunities and how we can best deliver products to market that people want to buy. If we aren’t selling software, we might be responsible for writing software that enables internal business processes. We might be in a mature market where maintenance and support is most important. Our goal could be less about building new features and more about keeping costs down and profit margins high. This section will outline a detailed approach for helping your organization understand how it creates value in its marketplace, whatever that marketplace might be. We will talk about tooling and approach for pragmatically identifying what your organization finds valuable.

Chapter 11: Understanding Your Improvement Opportunities

Using a similar approach to the one we used for understanding how your company defines value, we will explore what your organization needs to improve to get better delivering that value. Teams and organizations can’t get better at everything at the same time, the change would be too disruptive, too expensive, and introduce too much risk. We’ll explore the kinds of problems that your company might want to solve, how to understand them in the context of a broad set of goals and core capabilities, and how to choose which areas to invest to get maximum benefit.

Chapter 12: Identifying the Intersection

This chapter will introduce in detail an approach to organizational improvement called capability analysis. We’ll explore the mechanics, the tools, and the conversations required as well as. Here we will talk about gaining consensus around value and which capabilities we want to improve. Here we will introduce the five phase agile scaling model and take a step-by-step walk through the kinds of capabilities we might want to get better at delivering. The three facets of this section are going to be the five questions, 30+ core capabilities, and the four categories (Project Management, Product Management, Development, and Leadership). We’ll leave this chapter with a firm idea of where we want to spin up our first agile team.

Section 4: Creating the Value Driven Agile Enterprise

This section introduces a five-level agile adoption and scaling framework. At each level; we help identify cultural challenges your organization will face, how it defines value, and what you can improve to get better business outcomes. We’ll explore many common challenges your company is likely trying to solve, figure out which capabilities have to be addressed to see improvement , and identify what agile practices you and your company might put in place to get better in that area. We’ll explain the conversation context, the learning patterns, and the expected outcomes that will drive improved organizational performance.

Chapter 13: Team Level Agile Adoption

This section will explore the principles and practices many of us are familiar with from basic Scrum and XP. The difference here is that we will take a value driven approach to selecting which practices we want to put in place first. We’ll assess the capabilities of the organization and pragmatically decide what to start on first. This section will deal with introductory agile project management, discuss the role of a product owner and the roles and responsibilities of the other team members. We’ll introduce basic agile reporting, agile engineering, and agile teamwork and leadership concepts. This will in essence be a comprehensive survey of agile methods with an eye toward helping the reader understand why they might choose to put particular practices in place.

Chapter 14: Horizontal Agile Adoption

Horizontal agile adoption is about taking what we have learned at the team level and replicating that success to many teams across the organization. Our assumption at this point is that we have created our first agile team and used the capability baseline to determine where we need to improve next. We’ll end up at the end of this chapter with several distinct teams, loosely coupled, with a low number of dependencies between them. Here we will introduce the idea of a Scrum of Scrum for managing simple interdependencies between teams. We’ll take a look at common patterns of reporting across teams, handling shared code bases, building distributed engineering environments, estimating and tracking progress, and multiple product owners.

Chapter 15: Project Level Agile Adoption

This chapter begins to introduce the idea of having multiple teams work together to deliver larger, more complex projects, where we have to manage dependencies between teams. We are moving up one level in the organization hierarchy and there is a good chance the nature of our value discussion is going to change. We will apply capability analysis to figure out which projects need our attention and how to improve them. We’ll address how to deal with highly interdependent feature teams and possibly component teams on larger enterprise initiatives. We’ll introduce the idea of tracking value at the project level separate from value the team level. We’ll need to expand our agile toolkit and start extending basic concepts and introducing a few new ones.

Chapter 16: Program Level Agile Adoption

Program level adoption is focused on dealing with multiple projects, multiple stakeholders, competing priorities and competing agendas. It is about throttling work through the organization, defining smaller projects, and working on fewer things at one time. There is an emphasis in this section on balancing load across teams, a thorough discussion of the theory of constraints, and more Lean portfolio management. We’ll talk about how stories are to projects as projects are to portfolios and introduce the idea that projects need to follow the INVEST model too. If we make projects smaller, we can increase flow through the organization and start worrying more about getting projects finished rather than getting more projects started.

Chapter 17: Enterprise Agile Adoption

Enterprise agile adoption takes the value proposition up yet another level in the organization. Here we look at the entire value stream from concept to cash. We are managing the flow of value across the entire enterprise and all the value creating processes. We want to deal with upstream processes like project selection and approvals, business cases, and strategy. We also want to deal with downstream processes like maintenance and support. We want to balance the flow of value across the entire organization. This is the point in our transformation when we have truly created an agile enterprise, one that is prepared to deal with anything the market can throw at it.

Before We Get Started

Before you get started, keep in mind that agile adoption is not an event. It is a process of continuous improvement where the journey is almost as important as the outcome. By focusing on principles and the core problems you are trying to solve, and not the rote application of practices, we have a shot at creating a sustainable change framework; a learning organization. People do not change overnight and companies don’t either…

Okay... so that is it for Chapter 1. Let me know what you think and if you have any feedback.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Interesting Post... 1/11/2010 through 1/16/2010

We are having family movie night in the Cottmeyer house this evening. We are all eating a bunch of unhealthy food and watching "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs". Good times... good times ;-) Anyway... figured I'd do a quick installment of "Interesting Post..." before I go pop some popcorn and grab another beer. Hope you guys enjoy!

Program Management Guidance

Project Managers. On Video? Awesome!

Tracking Value

Reports are waste and a reason for poor decision-making

4 Questions To Ask About Aging “To Do” List Tasks

6 Simple Questions for Neal Ford

From Waterfall to Agile: An Exclusive Interview with VersionOne's Ian Cu..

The dirty secret of pair programming

Kanban for Continuous Improvement

Visions of Software Development or Can’t We Just All Get Along?

Technology is not the Solution - Again

Self-discipline and Self-organization

My Merge of GTD and Kanban

How Kanban Got Hot - David Anderson Interview Part I

Spouses, death-marches and Scrum

Be your users' best friend

More on Lean, Backlog and Little’s Law

My Overview of Agile Presentation (to a local PMI Chapter)

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The Value Driven Agile Transformation

We are almost to the end of the first chapter. This section of the book gives an overview of some of the major concepts around this idea of a value driven agile transformation. It a nutshell, we are talking about finding your critical path... your primary constraints... and start getting better at doing that first. There is some work around figuring out what that constraint is, but we are going to help with that too. After this, I am going to start explaining how we plan to layout the book's structure.

Value Driven Agile Transformations

Value Driven Agile Transformation is about understanding what your organization values and how it delivers value to its customers. Once we understand clearly what is valuable to our business, we’ll assess the organizational structures and processes you’ll need to create that value. We don’t need to get better delivering everything, just those areas of your business that are going to help move value out the door faster. The idea is that we’ll build agile teams around those parts of your business most likely to create valuable outcomes. This is where you will invest in process improvement and change.

As you progressively assess your organization looking for improvement opportunities, you always focus on the next most important area to improve; and you’ll build more agile teams around those capabilities. You’ll replicate what you have learned adopting agile with your first team and replicate that success across many teams. Once you are good at developing working agile teams, it is time to get more than one team working together to deliver more complex project deliverables. This involves a more robust look at agile project management that just isn’t possible until teams can reliably deliver.

Next we have to look at coordinating multiple initiatives through the organization so we can reliably and predictably deliver more than one project at a time. Trying to get many projects running simultaneously is the area of agile portfolio management. To this point, we will have extended much of what we know about agile to work in larger enterprises, but to address agile portfolio management, we will heavily leverage Lean and Kanban concepts as well as Goldratt’s theory of constraints.

When we talk about enterprise agile transformations, we are suggesting an enterprise that systematically focuses on its next improvement opportunity. One that builds agile teams around those delivery capabilities, and incrementally adopts program and portfolio management and ultimately learns how to manage the flow of value across all components of the larger delivery organization. At true enterprise scale, this including upstream capabilities like marketing and sales as well as downstream capabilities like deployment and support.

This approach requires top down leadership and a bottom up implementation. One where leadership sets the direction and establishes constraints, but with teams that are empowered to operate within those constraints. It requires us to understand how our company creates value, the mechanisms by which that value is created, and how we can most improve to deliver that value. It is a solution that is respectful of the overall organizational systems in which value is delivered. This approach recognizes that financial resources are not unlimited and that we have to invest in ways most likely to yield business outcomes.

We want to recommend an approach that respects the individual and makes work a fun place to be. We want to help you create an environment where people are respected and empowered and challenged to deliver more than they thought they ever might. We also want an environment that is laser focused on business outcomes and creating shareholder value. Unless we are selling products, businesses will not be in business for very long. This is not agile for agile’s sake.

Next up, we'll talk about the book's structure and how we are going to break and explain this process. Let me know what you think... I look forward to your comments.

Oh, and by the way... I'm not sure if this goes without saying, but this is the kind of stuff that I do for a living. If you need help driving this kind of change in your organization, please contact me. I'd love to see what the Pillar team and I can do to help. Contact me at mcottmeyer [at] pillartechnology [dot] com.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Speaking at SQE Agile Dev Practices... West

This year SQE is doing a combined conference in Vegas. There is the normal Better Software Conference and Expo, but this year they are doubling up and offering an Agile Development Practices West. I was fortunate to do my Agile PMP talk last year at both Better Software in Vegas and again at Agile Dev Practices in Orlando. The fact that SQE is offering both of these events in a single event, and for one low price, is absolutely amazing.

This year I decided to take a different approach with my conference submissions. Rather than talk about the whole Agile PMP thing, I want to talk more about the ideas Dennis and I are writing about in the book and what I am doing working for Pillar. It is so important that people know and understand the big picture when the decide to start down this path of agile transformation. This isn't just a project level set of issues... agile transformations ultimately impact nearly every part of the business. We need to talk more about this...

Scaling Agile Adoption

Agile methodologies are helping teams deliver software faster and with much higher quality than ever before. Given the success of agile at the team level, many managers are exploring the possibility of implementing these methodologies across the entire product delivery organization. These managers launch their adoption efforts only to uncover many common myths, misperceptions, and obstacles that derail their efforts before they really get started. Organizations fail to become agile because they don’t understand what makes agile teams work.

Mike Cottmeyer describes a roadmap for agile adoption that begins with teams and demonstrates how teams work together to deliver more complex projects and portfolios. Mike expands the team concept to include capabilities and shows how capabilities can be organized to optimize value across the enterprise value stream. At each step of the adoption process, Mike will demonstrate how to choose the policies, practices, and metrics that create learning and drive sustainable organizational change.

Mike's Bio

Mike Cottmeyer is the Vice-President and General Manager of Pillar Technology Southeast. Pillar Technology is a leading provider of agile transformation services helping companies develop the technical practices and leadership competencies required for sustainable organizational change.

Prior to joining Pillar, Mike was a product consultant and agile evangelist for VersionOne. Mike has twenty years of experience leading IT initiatives using a combination of traditional, agile, and lean project management best practices. Mike is a certified PMP Project Manager and a certified ScrumMaster.

Mike speaks internationally on the topic of Agile Project Management and blogs at Mike co-authored the paper "Rethinking the Agile Enterprise" for the Cutter Consortium and is writing a book on Agile transformations for Addison-Wesley.

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Sometimes, Agile Alone Isn't Enough

So now that we have set a little context, it's time to start getting down to the business of talking about how to solve the problem. About time huh? This next section is intended to bridge to a high-level description of the solution and then a chapter by chapter breakdown of how the book is going to flow. I'll try to get the rest of this out either over the weekend or early next week.

Oh, and by the way, if you've given me formal feedback on any of this content... and some of you have... that feedback has not made it into any of these upcoming sections. We want to get through finishing the narrative (the one I talked about last time) and then figure out how to deal with the new content in a more holistic manner.

Agile Isn't Always Enough

This is primarily a book to help managers like Frank. It is directed at the mid-level manager that needs to develop an approach for adopting agile within their part of a larger organization. These are people that want practical guidance on what to do next and how to articulate why what they decided is the next right move. Managers like Frank need a framework to facilitate conversations about what to focus on first and how to build their organizations within a larger organizational context. They need to understand how their decisions impact their teams and how their teams impact the larger enterprise value streams.>div>

This book is geared toward helping these managers incrementally adopt agile and build out a scalable agile enterprise. That said, agile methodologies are primarily intended to work with small teams and not necessarily designed to scale. When it comes to agile in larger enterprises, we find that much of what is prescribed is incongruent with where most organizations find themselves.

The guidance is insufficient to drive significant and meaningful transformation. The gap is just too large and there is no path from here to there. There is a huge difference between doing agile in a large company and a large company that has fully embraced an agile way of doing business. Asking the business to do less and ‘trust the team’ is insufficient guidance for large, complex organizations. Telling large organizations not to be large and complex is a non-starter. Suggesting a scrum-of-scrums as the lone scaling mechanism does not give sufficient guidance to the manager trying to convince a skeptical leadership team.

“A light framework that leaves out things that are sometimes useful can be smart. One that leaves out things that are virtually always useful is ineffective”.

Allan Shalloway, NetObjectives

To effectively build a sustainable agile enterprise, we will need to go beyond some of our standard agile thinking and incorporate learning’s from the methodologies that came before (waterfall and RUP) and those that are coming after (Lean and Kanban). We will draw from luminaries in the fields of manufacturing, team dynamics, organizational design, change management, systems thinking, conversation theory, and organizational learning. Along the way, we’ll need Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints, Covey’s Seven Habits, and Kotter’s Leading Change amongst many others.

I thought the Shalloway quote was cool... it was something that he said over Twitter. Right now I have no idea how to footnote something like that, so I am open to suggestions. I did tell Alan that I was going to use it though ;-) Next up... overview of the value driven agile transformation and then a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the book's layout.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

More on Context... Establishing Personas

Okay, this is a long post... I didn't want to break it up because these next few paragraphs represent a complete thought. If you've been reading my blog for at least the last 6 months, you have seen some of this before. We are continuing to establish context by working through a couple of personas for the book. We have one for the target manager we are writing for and another for the company that he works with.

I have been sitting on this content for at least a week. Dennis and I are developing a story thread that may end up running side-by-side through the entire book. The idea is that there is a narrative around what is happening in the lives of these characters (not as well developed as Goldratt's the Goal, but kinda the same idea) that helps explain the ideas we are talking about in the book. That said, the actual story may never make the text... but we'll definitely use it to focus the book.

If we make enough progress on the story line this weekend, that might be the next thing I publish... we'll just have to wait and see ;-)

More on Context

When you set out to tackle any problem as big as an enterprise wide agile transformation, establishing context is a critical part of figuring out how to move forward. This kind is not a one-size-fits-all strategy! To begin, we want to describe the person we hope will be reading this book. We want to explore the kinds of companies these people might work for and the types of organizational problems they are dealing with. We hope that by helping you understand context, how we understand and approach the problems you are trying to solve, you’ll be able to take these ideas back to your company to apply them in a situation specific way – a way that is tailored to work best for your particular organization.

We’ll establish context by building a persona for both our ideal reader and the organizations where he or she might work. If you’re not familiar with the idea of a persona, they are a way of specifically representing different user types within a given demographic. They are a common way of helping software engineers understand how a user might interact or respond to a system they are building. Our personas are here to help you understand how a typical manager, or a typical company, might respond to the kinds of challenges they’ll face transforming their organizations. We’ll use these personas to explore the behavior patterns, goals, attitudes, and learning outcomes in a more realistic and concrete manner.

Our personas are derived from dozens of people and dozens of companies we have worked with over the past 20 years. It is often surprising to us the universal nature of our human experience and how people and organizations tend to have the same challenges; no matter what the size of the company, the product it makes, or the market it serves. Our goal was to create a set of personas general enough to capture the breadth of our organizational experience, but specific enough that you might see yourself, and your company, in the examples. If nothing else, these personas will help personalize, and give concrete anchor points, for many of the ideas in this book.

With that we’d like to introduce you to Frank Michaels, an up and coming development manager looking to make a difference in his organization, and StandardCorp, a mid-sized company in the midst of significant growth, and all the change that comes along with it.

Frank Michaels

Frank is 34 years old, married, and has two young children. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from his local state university. He has worked professionally for a little over 10 years and earns just below 120K per year. Frank joined his company four years ago as a senior developer. He is considered by his manager to have excellent technical skills and an open mind. Frank is a hard worker, likes to try new things, and has consistently demonstrated an ability to deliver tough projects.

After only a year on the job, Frank was asked to serve as a team-lead. It wasn’t long afterwards that he his boss took a Director role and Frank was promoted to a manager. With this recent promotion, Frank now has several teams under his control and has to interact more directly with the other managers in his department. He coordinates with these other functional managers to drive work through the organization. Frank works with a team of project managers that coordinate delivery across several functional silos within the larger development organization.

Frank is often frustrated by how long it takes to get projects delivered and how little control he has over business outcomes. He often questions his decision to become a manager. Frank spends way too much time in meetings and just isn't interested in all the corporate politics and maneuvering. His company takes more than a year to bring new products releases to market and it isn’t getting any faster, if anything they seems to be getting slower. Project schedules are unpredictable and cost overruns are common. To make things worse, quality has been suffering as pressure to deliver has gone up.

Frank’s Company, StandardCorp

StandardCorp is a public company that has been in business for 20 years. They grew organically for the first 10 or 15 years by building software for the insurance industry. Several years ago the senior leadership team launched a strategy to grow through acquisition and branched into the financial services sector. StandardCorp is now about 5000 employees with most of their offices in North America, although they have a few sales offices in South America, Europe, and Southern Asia. The product development organization accounts for a third of their total headcount.

As StandardCorp’s product lines became more diverse, they started looking for ways to leverage common infrastructure components and shared services as a way to reduce their overall cost of ownership. The product teams began looking for ways to combine product offerings to create competitive differentiators in the marketplace. Several initiatives were launched to standardize their diverse technology platforms, but these initiatives have been expensive, and success has been sporadic. In fact, these initiatives have slowed down time to market and made products harder and more complicated to deliver.

Product Managers are frustrated because only a few years ago they had total ownership of their requirements. They had direct access to the technical teams they needed to deliver new features to market. As the organization has grown, there is more negotiation required across a larger and more diverse set of stakeholders. The delivery model has become more complex and it takes forever to get any product out the door. In frustration, the product teams specify larger and larger initiatives because they know it will be at least 18 months before they get another change to bring anything to market.

StandardCorp is successful, but everyone understands something needs to change. They are investing heavily in CMMi, ITIL, and hiring PMP certified project managers. Because costs are going up and revenue is going down; StandardCorp is taking a large part of its development organization offshore. They have to increase profitability and recover market position or the company will likely be acquired. To the senior leadership team, it looks like the offshore approach is working. Management has asked the organization to move more of the core development to India and is looking to layoffs as a way to further reduce overall development costs.

Thinking Past Our Personas

Frank Michaels

The fact that Frank is a married man with two kids not actually an essential element for our story. Frank could just as easily have been Francine, a single Mom with one daughter, or Franklin an older manager with no children getting ready for retirement. What is essential about Frank is that he has something to lose. Many people are working hard just to pay their bills and trying to get a little bit ahead. Helping to make things better, leading change if you will, is difficult and often puts your career at risk.

"And let it be noted that there is no more delicate matter to take in hand, nor more dangerous to conduct, nor more doubtful in its success, than to set up as a leader in the introduction of changes. For he who innovates will have for his enemies all those who are well off under the existing order of things, and only the lukewarm supporters in those who might be better off under the new. This lukewarm temper arises partly from the fear of adversaries who have the laws on their side and partly from the incredulity of mankind, who will never admit the merit of anything new, until they have seen it proved by the event."

Nicolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Frank’s position in the company puts him square on the first or second rung of the corporate ladder. He has influence over several teams, but not necessarily over his peers. He might be able to influence up the organizational hierarchy, but that influence is based solely on the strength of his relationships. Frank can influence his manager, and maybe his manager’s manager, but probably not much past that. Depending on how large and how deep StandardCorp becomes, significant decisions about process and methodology are happening at much higher places in the overall organization.


StandardCorp is at that stage of corporate development when it becomes time to grow up and start putting real process in place. Many of us have worked in small companies that have lightweight governance and everyone works together toward common unifying goals. These companies don’t need much process and structure to get things done. As these companies get bigger, they start to hit the limits of their ability to self-organize and self-direct. Some decide to go down the path of increased specialization and greater process overhead and control. This doesn’t only happen to companies with 1000’s of developers, it happens in companies with as few as 50.

Your StandardCorp might be that 50-person development shop. It might be a division of a 20,000-person company. You might be a smaller shop that just got acquired and is now expected to follow the parent company’s standard processes and procedures. The size of StandardCorp is not our essential element, nor is it the industry. What is important about StandardCorp is that they are big enough to encourage specialization. It is big enough that establishing better processes sounds like a reasonable and responsible approach to get better outcomes.

StandardCorp is big enough that it has a larger, more diverse product offering and is now looking for ways to better leverage its assets. They have reached a point where there is distance between the people making decisions and the people doing the work. This distance blurs the direct mapping between day-to-day activities and the business outcomes that make the company successful. Management begins to operate at much higher level of abstraction and the impact of decisions on individuals becomes less visible, and therefore less important.

Okay... so that's it for now. Let me know what you think!

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The Agile PMP on InfoQ

Hey... wanted to give you guys a heads up that my Agile PMP talk has made its way up to InfoQ. This one, just like the DZone interview, was recorded at Agile 2009 up in Chicago. I've only watched the first 10 minutes so far, but best I can tell, InfoQ did a great job of putting the content together. I am on screen the entire time (that could be good or bad) with a the presentation deck running underneath, very nicely in sync with the talk I might add ;-)

As I recall, this was the talk where my laptop went dead 60 minutes in and I had to do the rest of my talk with no deck. I'd love to blame the laptop, but I didn't manage to plug it in... doh!? Anyway, hope you guys enjoy. Here is a link, can't embed this one in my blog.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Interesting Post... 1/4/2010 through 1/10/2010

There were about 10 days or so where none of my shared Google Reader items were making their way to Twitter. Pretty frustrating. That is just the kind of problem that I don't have the time to try solve.

I suspect that I accidentally revoked TwitterFeed's access to my Twitter account. A few weeks ago I was trying to turn off some auto-follow services I had setup a while back. I am still not convinced that the auto-follow is off, but I recreated my TwitterFeed stuff and reauthorized and everything seems to be back on track.

Anyway... hope you enjoy this week's installment of Interesting Post...

My Overview of Agile Presentation (to a local PMI Chapter)

Connecting With Clients

It’s a good time to be a marketer

Adding complexity

Sprint start and stop days - what's best

New Course: Lean Agile Enterprise Leadership Workshop

Too Square For Foursquare?

Between Agile and ITIL – Part II

Beyond agile testing. Or: how to become a pro-active tester

YAGNI ain’t what you think it is

Bringing agility to the organization

Management 3.0: The Era of Complexity

Remove Finish-to-Start Activities on Agile Projects

Define: Agile Development

The ScrumMaster Diaries: Introduction to the series

Flexibility: A License to Accept Waste

Institutionalizing Scrum

John Kotter defines Leadership

The Blah Blah Blah Blogging Rules. F It.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

We Want Our Small Companies Back

As we continue to establish context it is important for folks to understand that we get that smaller is better. I wish that everything we ever wanted to build could be built by 6 to 8 developers in a co-located team room. Many folks say things like, you don't need 100 people to build a software product. 6 to 8 people doing agile can be just as productive.

That might be true if you are putting those 6 to 8 people up against the kind of organization we just talked about, but that's NOT what we are talking about. We are writing about those times when you need 100, 200, or 1000 developers... all operating in a high-performing agile manner. We might be able to do it with less, but we need a credible strategy for when need to do it with more.

So the section I am getting ready to share is really just a few transition paragraphs to start talking about a specific set of personas we are using to draft out the book. I'll stop saying this eventually, but we are still not sure yet how much of this makes the book... we'll just have to see. Personally, I would rather say too much and have to pair this down than to stretch 100 pages into 350!

We Want Our Small Companies Back!

We want our small companies back, but sometimes small-companies can’t deliver at the level of scale required to meet market demand for their products and services. Not having the ability to grow leaves dollars on the table that your competitors will certainly go after. So the question becomes, how do we get back our sense of shared ownership and sense of shared purpose? How do we create larger organizations where the people doing the work have shared accountability for outcomes, and the capacity to deliver against those outcomes? How do we grow while maintaining the values and principles we held as a much smaller organization?

Fixing these problems has been a focus of the agile product development for the past several years. At this stage of our maturity, we believe that the agile community has largely solved the problem at the team level. We have a track record of recapturing that entrepreneurial spirit when we can isolate three to four small teams and align them toward a shared business objective. Given the size and state of many of today's software organizations though, the scope of the challenge feels nearly insurmountable. Furthermore, what does a single manager do to lead change at this scale? Does the manager focus only within their span of control or do they try to lead out? If so, what are the compelling messages that our senior leaders need to hear?

Let’s be clear, most managers can’t lead these kinds of initiatives by themselves. They will need help both from both their senior leadership and the teams that work for them. We believe that with the right tools, and with the right focus and ability to influence, managers will be able to convince others to come on board. This ability to lead up, to lead out, and to lead teams will essential to introducing these ideas to the broader organization. This book gives you place to start and will help you develop a language and approach to lead sustainable organizational change.

But before we get started, let’s take a look at the big picture and explore a bit what we’ll need to learn about along our way.

Okay... next post we'll re-introduce several personas that I wrote about here a few months ago. Some may be stuff you've already seen, but we've added some additional content to clarify a few things. As always, please feel free to comment if you want to join the conversation.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Problem with Big

I mentioned a while ago that Dennis and I were planning to blog our way through this book we are writing. We'll, over the holidays I really got serious about writing this thing, and we dropped a pretty detailed chapter outline, and almost 7000 words into draft. The text isn't finished from a content perspective, or from an editing perspective, but I am going to share some initial thoughts with you guys.

To me, context is so important. There are so many brilliant people in this community, and we all share our ideas from our own particular points of view. Sometimes though, we don't share the context where we developed those ideas. For me, I have never just worked with a single team. When I got involved seriously in leading agile organizations, I was trying to deal with over a hundred people, 20 plus projects in flight, and had to deliver against a complex systems architecture.

There were no easy answers. None of the books really told me how to do it. We had to figure it all out as we went using the principles to create situationally specific practices. Small team agile doesn't resonate with me so I tend to write from a big team perspective. That said, I know there are folks out there that don't share my same set of experiences. So when I sat down with Dennis to hammer out this first chapter, I thought it was important to set context. To give the reader an idea of the kinds of problems we were trying to solve.

God forbid someone take some of these things I talk about here and apply it to a three person team. It would be overkill. To be honest, I am not sure the things I talk about apply if you have 3000 developers either. I suspect they do, but I have never managed anything that large. So... the first few sections of the book are there to help us establish context. Again, this is not polished material, and I am not sure how much it is going to make it into the book. That said, this is how I see the world so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

The Problem with Big

When a company is small, people do what ever it takes to get the job done. There is a sense that you are part of a team and everyone is working toward common goals. Smaller organizations have a strong sense of purpose and a people have direct connection between what they do and the performance of entire organization. There is a camaraderie that comes with having your survival tied directly to your ability to deliver. When this small companies work, success seems to come naturally. People love what they do, they want to come to work, and they are engaged.

This kind of success often leads to growth. Growth often leads to more people joining the team. As our team expands, there are naturally limits to our ability to self-organize (citation). We hire managers and project managers to structure the work. We hire specialists to fill specific gaps in our organizational expertise. We often group our specialists into teams of specialists so we can make best use of their valuable skills and experiences. Teams of specialists end up with their own managers, management hierarchies, career paths, compensation plans and performance incentives.

Over time we end up with functional silos; organization where people are grouped by what they do rather than what they deliver. To deliver an increment of enterprise value, many functions of the organization have to come together to deliver an end-to-end solution. No one functional manager owns the ultimate outcome so we assign accountability to a project manager; the idea being that we need someone who can work across the functional silos. Team members don’t usually report to the Project Manager, the PM is only there to coordinate the work and make sure the business knows what’s going on.

This can be a pretty difficult situation for the project manager, they don’t talk about Projects Managers herding cats for no reason. These Project Managers work with the teams of specialists to break down the work, document all the required activities, provide estimates, develop schedules, get organizational sign-off, and attempt to manage to the plan. Knowing who is doing what all the time becomes a pretty high priority for the PMO. The organization cannot afford to have team members doing any unapproved work. All work ends up being project work and needs to be reflected in a plan.

Because there are so many interdependencies between the teams doing the work, we strive for greater certainty about who is working on what project, for how long, and when they are going to be done. The need for increased certainty results in excessive estimating, excessive task break down, excessive assignment of work and very often, micro-managing behavior. People become overloaded and increasingly separated from the project outcomes. The only thing they can do is focus on their part; the project manager is responsible for making sure everything comes together as planned. Team members become a slave to the tasks on the project schedule. They can no longer help create value.

To make matters worse, specialists are not required full time on every project. To compensate, we time-slice people across several projects to keep them continuously busy. People are in so many project meetings during the regular work day, they have to work nights and weekends to get their real jobs done. If someone does find themselves with extra capacity, that is often license enough to go ahead and start another project. It doesn’t usually matter that there aren’t sufficient resources to get the project finished, the goal is to get started. Starting project that we are not staffed to finish creates dilutes our focus and makes it harder to deliver on our most pressing business priorities.

All of this multi-tasking can lead to a profound lack of teamwork, a profound lack of engagement, and people that focused only on the task at hand; totally disconnected from the value they were hired to create. We end up with a politically charged; do what I tell you or else, corporate culture… a culture that focuses on keeping your head down and staying busy over delivering real results. The solutions to this problem often come in the way of more planning, more project management, more micro-managing activities, more documentation… and of course more sign-off.

Okay... that is the first few paragraphs. Like I said, I've got about 7000 words prepped so I post some more over the next few days. Let me know what you think. Does this sound like the places you've worked? It sounds like every place I have worked. As always your feedback is most welcome!

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Reflections on 2009, Predictions for 2010

Last last year Mitch Pronschinske from DZone asked me to take a moment a reflect on 2009, and share my thoughts on what is in store for 2010. They ended up getting a pretty good crowd of folks to contribute... Johanna Rothman, David Anderson, Mary Poppendieck, Henrik Kniberg, Mark Lines, and Joshua Kerievsky. Head on over to DZone and check out what each of us had to say... it is a pretty interesting mix of perspectives.

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2009 in Retrospective: Mike Cottmeyer Edition

I think that 2009 will go down as a really good year, a turning point of sorts.

Looking Back to 2008

Toward the end of 2008 I was really burnt. It was finishing my first year at VersionOne and in some ways I had taken on too much. It was the first time in my career that I had permission to write as part of my day job. It was the first time that I could do the conference speaking circuit. It was also the first time that travel was built into what I did for a living. The period of time between Agile 2008 in Toronto and Agile Development Practices in Orlando was just nuts. I was doing what I wanted to do, I was accomplishing what I wanted to accomplish, I just needed to figure out how to do it at a sustainable pace.

This time last year I was doing some pretty serious soul searching, trying to figure out how to manage all of this. I was starting to get a pretty good thing going and I didn't want to mess it up... at work.. or with my family. So, I sat down and did a personal retrospective. I came to the conclusion that I had three major goals for the year. First, I wanted to get off the road for a few months. Second, I wanted to do four big conferences, but that was going to be it... and, I wanted to have the same talk selected at all four. Third, I wanted to have an outline for the book. The idea was to get off the road for a bit, focus on the highest impact conferences, and try to go big time with a book deal.

2009 Off to a Great Start

January got off to a great start. I was fortunate to do a local training gig here in Atlanta that resulted in a 3 month coaching engagement. Coming off of that I had the opportunity to backfill for Maggie while she was on maternity leave. That kept me off the road for another few months. For almost the entire first half of 2009, I did almost no travel at all. During that time I did head down to Miami for the first Lean & Kanban conference and to Orlando for the Scrum Gathering. Both of those I went as a participant and found them intellectually stimulating... rejuvenating even.

During this time my blog writing took off and Twitter became another great way of connecting with people. These connections became more and more powerful as the year progressed. I was fortunate to get the opportunity to do an article and a paper for the Cutter Consortium and was asked to review Alan Shalloway's upcoming book (published at this point). This was great timing because the Cutter paper ended up being the outline for the book and the connection to Alan's publisher ended up helping us land the book deal. While actually having a book deal to go along with the outline was not part of the goal, it was certainly a nice way to exceed expectations.

I was fortunate to have a talk selected for the SQE Better Software Conference, Agile 2009, the PMI Global Congress, and SQE Agile Development practices. Where things started unravelling a bit was when I got asked to do two talks at Oredev 2009 in Sweden, the VersionOne Agilepaloozas in Charlotte and Boston, various local user group talks, and several webinars for VersionOne, PMI, and Pillar. All of this was great experience, and great exposure... it just didn't help maintain balance, and the second half of 2009 got almost as crazy as the second half of 2008.

2009 Exceeded Expectations

It was great to get to start 2009 off the road. That was probably my most essential goal. I needed some time at home to get my bearings back. While the conference travel was a little more than I had hoped, I had some great opportunities that I just couldn't turn down. The cool thing was that my Agile PMP talk really took off and, even though I was on the road more, I wasn't preparing new content all the time. That talk got a lot of mileage and I was extremely thankful for the opportunity to spread the Agile PMP message! Lastly, I set out to have a book outline in place so I could have the CHANCE to pitch a publisher on my ideas. Never in a million years would I have expected to be under contract. Awesome!

But, 2009 did not stop there.

Coming into 2009, I had no idea the way it would end. The past few years I have been trying to build presence in the community and a bit of name recognition. VersionOne was a great platform for me and I will be forever grateful to those guys for an awesome opportunity to learn and to grow in the agile community. I started off the year and had no intention of leaving VersionOne, it is an awesome place to work, and I love the people that I worked with. I had a nagging suspicion though that being a product trainer and blogger wasn't going to be a long term thing for me. I was beginning to miss being in the trenches and delivering projects.

I had met the guys at Pillar a year or so before and developed some pretty strong relationships. Bob Myers and I got to talking over drinks one night, one thing led to another, and here I am opening a branch of Pillar Technology based out of Atlanta. To me, it was an interesting display of emergent outcomes at work. I knew where I was going, I knew what I wanted to do, but this kind of work you don't just go out and apply for. These kinds of things happen as a result of track record and relationships. To me it is a great testament to doing the right things, doing them well, creating opportunities, and being open to what happens. I could never have told you in 2008 that this was the right next step, but when the opportunity presented itself, I knew that this was the direction I had to go.

Looking Ahead to 2010

Going forward I have three primary goals for 2010. First, I have to build a sustainable business for Pillar here in the Southeast. We are not limiting ourselves to Atlanta, but in general... the goal is to be able to base here and keep people off the road as much as possible. Second, Dennis and I have got to get this book written. We have until December for a final manuscript and the clock is ticking... no pressure right ;-) Third, be able to do the first two things while maintaining some sense of balance. To me, this means eating right, exercising more, getting out on the weekends to do some hiking and backpacking with my boys, and taking my wife out every now and again.

I do intend to submit to the same few conferences this year but won't be heartbroken if I only get to speak at one or two. Out of necessity, I am going to have to be more careful about the kinds of things I commit to, and only do them if they support my business or my book. I will definitely continue to be present blogging on Leading Agile, posting on Twitter, connecting on Facebook, and participating on LinkedIn. I am excited to see what this year brings. I am thankful for all the people in our community that support my work. I am thankful for those of you that have emerged from Twitter and become friends in real life. I am thankful for the support of my family and the space they give me to make all of this happen.

If 2010 is half as good as 2009... it should be a great run!

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